{Lords of Vice Review} The Marquess and the Maiden by @RobynDeHart

Posted August 29, 2018 by Lindsey in Book Reviews / 0 Comments

{Lords of Vice Review} The Marquess and the Maiden by @RobynDeHartThe Marquess and the Maiden by Robyn DeHart
Series: Lords of Vice #2
Published by Entangled Publishing on September 10, 2018
Genres: Romance, Historical
Pages: 231
Format: eBook
Source: Netgalley
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Harriet Wheatley is the mastermind behind the Ladies of Virtue’s quest to rehabilitate the gentlemen of the ton. So when it comes to selecting her own target, she knows who to choose: Oliver Weeks, Marquess of Davenport--the most extravagant wastrel in all of London.

Known for his opulent lifestyle, Oliver isn't surprised by Harriet’s confrontation. It’s obvious Harriet longs for any way to take him down a notch. She says she’ll help him find a bride, but he knows it’s only because it gives her the excuse to chastise his indulgent ways.

Oliver has good reason for his flagrant overspending, but Harriet will hear nothing of it. So he has no choice but to teach the lady a lesson, even if it means risking his heart to the hard-headed and fiery woman.

I received The Marquess and the Maiden for free. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Also in this series: The Earl and the Reluctant Lady

Harriet Wheatley knows many things about the ways of the world. Life is often unpleasant and those you surround yourself with are your best chance at finding happiness. Harriet surrounds herself with the ladies in her secret club, The Ladies of Virtue. Not only is the club a place where they discuss how to turn the men in the ton into purposeful members of society, but they also train themselves physically and mentally to fight crime. The one rule of The Ladies of Virtue is not to discuss The Ladies of Virtue. But someone’s tongue has wagged to a local newspaper and their club is in jeopardy.

Oliver Weeks, Marquess of Davenport, was once upon a time almost engaged to Harriet. Their mothers are the best of friends and wanted the pair to married. When Oliver refused to take Harriet as his wife for her dowry, it stung her heart and her pride. Several years later, Oliver has brought his estate and the properties of the family his father swindled back to glory. With good investments and a lot of knowhow, Oliver’s family is prosperous once again. But it is time for Oliver to find a wife and Harriet is friends with everyone. The scheme is hatched with both Harriet and Oliver having their own agendas, but the final goal is to find Oliver the perfect bride.

DeHart takes us on a very bumpy road to love. Harriet is full of untapped passion for life. She tries to show the world her skills, yet is stifled when their club is leaked to the papers. Oliver was desperate to show the world he could bring his legacy back from the brink of destruction. His one stipulation was he would never marry to recoup his father’s losses. While his exterior shows a man who walks with a defined limp and spends money like water, he is actually very selfless in his daily life, helping his friends and family live comfortably.

I loved each twist and turn DeHart threw at us throughout the novel. The issue of Oliver’s limp might not be a problem by the standards of today, but it was almost world ending to him in the time period of this novel. Harriet never saw his limp as a problem and even though she thought his spending was excessive, she couldn’t help but be drawn to the man.

The Marquess and the Maiden is a complicated and passionate love story told brilliantly from awe-inspiring wordsmith, Robyn DeHart. If you love your stories full of passion, romance, and a thrilling plot you can hold close to your heart, this novel is for you.

About Robyn DeHart

A life-long lover of stories and adventure, it was either become a stuntwoman for the movies or live out those adventures from the safety of her PJ’s and computer. Award-winning author, Robyn DeHart chose the latter and couldn’t be happier for doing so. Known for her unique plotlines and authentic characters, Robyn is a favorite among readers and reviewers. Publishers’ Weekly claims her writing to be “comical and sexy” while the Chicago Tribune dubs her “wonderfully entertaining.” Robyn is an award-winning author as well as being a four-time RT Bookclub Reviewers’ Choice award nominee, and a three-time RomCon Reader’s Crown nominee.

Look for Robyn’s series about the seven deadly sins that debuted in 2017. When not writing, you can find Robyn hanging out with her family, husband (The Professor) a university professor of Political Science and their two ridiculously beautiful and smart daughters. They live in the hill country of Texas where it’s hot eight months of the year, but those big blue skies make it worth it.

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